

Thanks for stopping by ScottyGaaDo.com! You can contact us anytime at scottygaado@gmail.com. Also be sure to visit us on FaceBook at McLean Designs & give us a “Like“!

Use the menu at the top of the page to take a look around ScottyGaaDo.com! Click on any of the products & it will open it’s page – each product will then have a “Buy Button” & this will then take you to our vendor’s page, showing you the item’s pricing, sizes and color options available. From there, you can then place your orders & it will be printed & shipped direct to your doorstep! (Most items are from Amazon (Prime Eligible!)

Do you need T-shirts for your Business, Group, Team? Something special for family or yourself? Fundraisers, Events, Parties, (really just about anything you can think of). Use your own logo/design or we can custom design one for you. No minimum orders. Buy 1 or 100’s. Many colors available. No need to take orders for sizes. No inventory to store/handle/deliver. Ordered direct from Amazon – Prime eligible. (Other printer options also available.) Tons of products: Tshirts, Sweatshirts, Hoodies, Mugs, Pins, Magnets, Stickers, Notebooks, Planners & much more! If you’re looking for something special, we can probably find it for you! Just drop us a line & we’ll be happy to discuss whatever you have in mind! ?? scottygaado@gmail.com

Here’s just a preview of some of our ScottyGaaDo STUFF! (Go to our menu above for all the listings)

Support Human Rights! No Hate! No Racism!
JON’S RIDE 2024!
So proud to be providing the T-shirt design for this great event!
1 in 36 children in the U.S. are diagnosed with Autism. They’re all like you, just a little different!
#autismawareness #autismacceptance
Peace & Love, Peace & Love!