

Thanks for stopping by ScottyGaaDo.com! You can contact us anytime at scottygaado@gmail.com. Also be sure to visit us on FaceBook at McLean Designs & give us a “Like“!

Use the menu at the top of the page to take a look around ScottyGaaDo.com! Click on any of the products & it will open it’s page – each product will then have a “Buy Button” & this will then take you to our vendor’s page, showing you the item’s pricing, sizes and color options available. From there, you can then place your orders & it will be printed & shipped direct to your doorstep! (Most items are from Amazon (Prime Eligible!)

Do you need T-shirts for your Business, Group, Team? Something special for family or yourself? Fundraisers, Events, Parties, (really just about anything you can think of). Use your own logo/design or we can custom design one for you. No minimum orders. Buy 1 or 100’s. Many colors available. No need to take orders for sizes. No inventory to store/handle/deliver. Ordered direct from Amazon – Prime eligible. (Other printer options also available.) Tons of products: Tshirts, Sweatshirts, Hoodies, Mugs, Pins, Magnets, Stickers, Notebooks, Planners & much more! If you’re looking for something special, we can probably find it for you! Just drop us a line & we’ll be happy to discuss whatever you have in mind! ?? scottygaado@gmail.com

Here’s just a preview of some of our ScottyGaaDo STUFF! (Go to our menu above for all the listings)

Support Human Rights! No Hate! No Racism!
So proud to be providing the T-shirt design for this great event!
1 in 36 children in the U.S. are diagnosed with Autism. They’re all like you, just a little different!
#autismawareness #autismacceptance
Peace & Love, Peace & Love!